Алло, кто звонит или определение номера в Asterisk

Алло, кто звонит или определение номера в Asterisk

Учитывая специфику телефонных сетей на территории России, проблемы с определением номера при настройке аналоговых линий ГТС на Asterisk возникают довольно часто. Разнообразие ГАТС и качество телефонных линий смонтированных еще во времена СССР всегда преподносят проблемы для интеграторов IP АТС.

К нам обратился клиент, которому была установлена IP АТС Asterisk, и он успешно ей пользовался. Через некоторое время появилась возможность подключить определитель номера, т. к. городские линии перевели на цифровую ГАТС с поддержкой CallerID, до этого линии были подключены к аналоговой ГАТС (да, аналоговые АТС еще живы).

Для начала рассмотрим небольшую теоретическую информацию, какие стандарты определения телефонного номера бывают.

Теория определения номера

АОН (также называют Русский АОН) — работа советских аналоговых ГАТС, был распространен в начале 90-х, но все еще встречается. Информация о номере вызывающего абонента передаётся в виде кода, носящего название "Безынтервальный Пакет". Не является услугой, как таковой, т. к. не предназначался для абонентов. Телефонный номер передается в виде 7 цифр. Телефонный аппарат, поддерживающий АОН при входящем звонке «снимает трубку» и считывает служебные сигналы телефонной станции, при этом для вызывающего абонента имитируется вызывной сигнал. На Asterisk данный вид определителя номера заставить заработать не удастся.

CallerID (он же Евро АОН) — услуга предоставляемая на цифровых ГАТС. Метод для отправки запроса и получения Caller ID информации в интервале между звонками. То есть, в отличии от АОН здесь не происходит «снятия трубки». В CallerID распространено несколько стандартов:
Bellcore стандарт используется в США, Канаде, Австралии, Китае, Гонконге, Сингапуре, Италии и некоторыми телефонными компаниями Великобритании.
DTMF стандарт: цифры номера передаются таким же способом, как и тональный набор номера — короткими двухчастотными посылками.
FSK стандарт: Поток данных передаётся частотной модуляцией перед первым или перед вторым звонком на линии. Как показал опыт, большинство цифровых ГАТС Ростелекома работают по этому стандарту.

Практика, или почему ничего не работает

Для определения номера в каналах DAHDI в большинстве случаев достаточно добавления следующих строчек в chan_dahdi.conf:


usecallerid=yes ; включаем CallerID

callerid=asreceived ; передаем callerid в неизменном виде

Если определение номера не заработало, рекомендую для начала подключить обычный телефонный аппарат с поддержкой CallerID и посмотреть работает ли на нем определение. В нашем случае, номер на ТА определялся без проблем, а на Asterisk никак не хотел. Более того, при подключении ТА параллельно астериску опеределение переставало работать и на телефоне.
Переходим к дальнейшему анализу. Запишем аудио канал линии и проанализируем в аудио редакторе запись. В нем попробуем найти данные CallerID.
Запись первого dahdi канала осуществляется следующей командой:

dahdi_monitor 1 -v -r streamrx.wav

Запускаем команду записи и звоним на нашу линию. После этого останавливаем выполнение dahdi_monitor, в итоге у нас появится файл streamrx.wav. Копируем его себе и открываем его в аудиоредакторе (например Audacity).

Как видно никаких данных callerid нам не приходит. Поскольку обычный телефон номер определяет, то можно предположить что проблемы с оборудованием (платой или модулем FXO).
Ставим заведомо рабочий модуль FXO в плату и проверяем еще раз.

Теперь определение номера работает без проблем, на записи видим данные CallerID в стандарте FSK.

Ремонт FXO модуля

FXO модули разных производителей для аналоговых карт построены практически по одной и той же схеме на базе двух микросхем: SI3019 и SI3050.

Пример схемы с даташита на Si3050 Si3018/19:

Схема FXO-модуля

На данной схеме линия подключается к контактам RING и TIP.
На какие элементы следует обратить внимание при проблемах с работой модуля?

- Диодный мост D1 (также может быть выполнен в виде двух сборок по 2 диода). Иногда из строя на линиях аналоговых АТС и при превышении допустимого напряжения. При этом сам модуль может оставаться работоспособным, но часть диодов не работают. Проверяются после выпаивания со схемы.
- Динистор RV1 (275 V, 100 A). В нашем случае он оказался работоспособным.
- Резисторы R30, R32 (15 M?, 1/8 W, 5%), R31, R33 (5.1 M?, 1/8 W, 5%), R8, R7 (20 M?, 1/8 W). С ними тоже оказалось все в порядке.
Проблема оказалась в микросхеме Si3019. Сопротивление в точке поключения пина Ring1 было в два раза меньше, чем на рабочем модуле. После замены микросхемы Si3019 все заработало без проблем.

Также в грозовой период, при отсутствии внешней защиты, иногда выходит из строя стабилитрон Z1 (43 V, 1/2 W). Симптомы при этом следующие: модуль не видит входящий вызов, при попытке позвонить через данный канал кроме тишины никаких действий. Решается заменой стабилитрона.


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Indoor Golf Solutions in Atlanta, GA: Install a Golf Simulator Today If you're a golf lover in Atlanta, GA, who wants to play anytime, even when the weather isn't ideal, this is for you. Or perhaps you're a business owner seeking to offer a unique experience to your customers? A golf simulator might be exactly what you need! Golf simulators are becoming increasingly popular for both residential and commercial spaces, providing the ability to practice, play, and enjoy golf from the comfort of home or a business venue. Top Reasons to Install a Golf Simulator in Atlanta, GA Golf simulators offer a wide range of benefits, making them a smart investment for golfers of all levels. Atlanta may have beautiful golf courses and great weather, but there are times when the weather isn't perfect or you just can't make it to the course. With a golf simulator, you can practice and play whenever you want, enjoying convenience, flexibility, and a realistic golf experience. If you're in Atlanta, here's why you should consider adding a golf simulator to your home or business: How to Install a Golf Simulator: A Step-by-Step Guide While golf simulator installation may appear challenging, it’s often an easy and fulfilling project. Here’s an overview of the usual steps for installing a golf simulator: Which Golf Simulator is Right for You? There are various types of golf simulators on the market to suit different preferences, skill levels, and budgets. The Benefits of Adding a Golf Simulator to Your Home or Business Whether you're looking to improve your golf game, enjoy some fun with friends and family, or enhance your business offerings, a golf simulator is a fantastic addition. Questions We Often Get About Golf Simulator Setup in Atlanta Got it! Below is the ultra-spinnable version of FAQs about Golf Simulator Setup in Atlanta, with multiple variations for each question and answer. This ensures maximum flexibility for spinning. FAQs About Golf Simulator Setup in Atlanta 1. What is the minimum space required for a golf simulator? The minimum space required is typically 10 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 15 feet long, but this can vary depending on the simulator model. 2. Can a garage be used for a golf simulator installation? Absolutely! Garages are often ideal for golf simulators, provided they have enough space and ceiling height. 3. How much should I budget for a golf simulator installation in Atlanta? Budget anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000+, depending on the type of simulator, installation requirements, and any extras you choose. 4. Is professional installation necessary for a golf simulator? Professional installation is recommended to ensure everything works perfectly, though some tech-savvy individuals may attempt a DIY setup. 5. What flooring should I use for my golf simulator setup? For the best experience, use artificial turf or specialized golf mats that replicate the feel of a real course. 6. Are golf simulators suitable for outdoor use? While they’re primarily for indoor use, some portable models can be used outdoors temporarily, but it’s not recommended for long-term setups. 7. How much time is needed to set up a golf simulator? Installation typically takes 1-2 days, depending on the complexity of the setup and the space. 8. Can I play real golf courses on a simulator? You can play real courses on a simulator, with many systems offering a wide selection of famous layouts. 9. What equipment is included in a golf simulator setup? Most packages come with a projector, screen, sensors, mat, and course simulation software. 10. Can I use my own golf clubs with a simulator? Simulators are compatible with your personal clubs, so no special equipment is needed. 11. Are golf simulator readings precise? Today’s simulators offer exceptional accuracy, providing data that closely matches real-world performance. 12. Are golf simulators versatile enough for other sports? Multi-sport simulators let you enjoy activities like baseball, soccer, and more, in addition to golf. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/golf-simulator-installation-atlanta-ga-fast-setup-muhammad-salman-phbyf/ 13. Is a tall ceiling required for a golf simulator setup? For most setups, a ceiling height of 9-10 feet is ideal to allow for unrestricted swings. 14. Can I move my golf simulator to another location? While simulators can be moved, it’s important to recalibrate the system to ensure accuracy in the new location. 15. What upkeep is needed for a golf simulator? To keep your simulator in top shape, clean the screen, update the software, and ensure the sensors are properly aligned.

Indoor Golf Solutions in Atlanta, GA: Install a Golf Simulator Today Are you a golf enthusiast in Atlanta, GA, looking to enjoy the game year-round, regardless of weather conditions? Maybe you own a business and want to provide something special for your clients? The ideal solution for you could be a golf simulator! More and more people are installing golf simulators in their homes or businesses, making it easy to enjoy golf anytime, anywhere. Why Consider Installing a Golf Simulator in Atlanta, GA? Golf simulators offer a wide range of benefits, making them a smart investment for golfers of all levels. While Atlanta is known for its stunning golf courses and mild climate, there are still days when the weather doesn’t cooperate, or when finding time to hit the course can be difficult. A golf simulator lets you practice and play on your terms, offering convenience, versatility, and a highly accurate golfing experience. Here are the top reasons why a golf simulator is a fantastic addition to your home or business in Atlanta: The Golf Simulator Installation Process Installing a golf simulator might sound complicated, but it’s actually a simple and satisfying process. Here’s a breakdown of the typical steps involved in installing a golf simulator: Exploring the Variety of Golf Simulators You’ll find a wide range of golf simulators designed for different preferences, abilities, and price points. The Benefits of Adding a Golf Simulator to Your Home or Business If you want to get better at golf, have fun with loved ones, or boost your business, a golf simulator is a great choice. Common Questions About Golf Simulator Installation in Atlanta, GA Got it! Below is the ultra-spinnable version of FAQs about Golf Simulator Setup in Atlanta, with multiple variations for each question and answer. This ensures maximum flexibility for spinning. FAQs About Golf Simulator Setup in Atlanta 1. How much room do I need to install a golf simulator? The minimum space required is typically 10 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 15 feet long, but this can vary depending on the simulator model. 2. Is it possible to set up a golf simulator in a garage? Absolutely! Garages are often ideal for golf simulators, provided they have enough space and ceiling height. 3. How much should I budget for a golf simulator installation in Atlanta? The cost can range from $5,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the simulator model, installation complexity, and additional features. 4. Is professional installation necessary for a golf simulator? While DIY installation is possible, professional help ensures proper setup, calibration, and optimal performance. 5. What type of flooring is best for a golf simulator? The best options are artificial turf or golf mats, which offer a realistic feel and protect your floors. 6. Can I use a golf simulator outdoors? While they’re primarily for indoor use, some portable models can be used outdoors temporarily, but it’s not recommended for long-term setups. 7. What is the installation timeline for a golf simulator? You can expect the setup process to take 1-2 days, but this may vary based on the simulator and room conditions. 8. Are real golf courses available on simulators? Absolutely! Most high-end simulators include a library of real-world courses for an immersive experience. 9. What components are part of a golf simulator system? You’ll usually get a projector, screen, sensors, hitting mat, and software as part of the simulator package. 10. Are personal golf clubs compatible with simulators? Absolutely! Your regular clubs will work just fine with a golf simulator. 11. How accurate are golf simulators? Today’s simulators offer exceptional accuracy, providing data that closely matches real-world performance. 12. Do golf simulators support other activities besides golf? Some simulators are multi-sport systems, allowing you to play games like baseball, soccer, or football. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/golf-simulator-installation-atlanta-ga-fast-setup-muhammad-salman-phbyf/ 13. Do I need a high ceiling for a golf simulator? You’ll need a ceiling that’s at least 9-10 feet high to ensure comfortable play. 14. Is it possible to relocate a golf simulator? Absolutely! Most systems can be relocated, but you’ll need to recalibrate them after moving. 15. How do I maintain my golf simulator? Maintenance involves screen cleaning, software updates, and occasional sensor calibration for optimal performance.

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This piece dives deep deep into what makes why <strong>Sportstream</strong> a premier solution for sportsbook sportsbook streaming, its main key features, and ways ways you can can start start harnessing its potential capabilities to drive growth and audience audience engagement. <h2>What’s is Sportstream</h2> Sportstream serves as a <strong>B2B live sports streaming solution</strong> designed specifically aimed at sportsbooks, betting operators, and iGaming platforms. It merges sports live streaming seamlessly with sportsbook platforms aiming to boost engagement, retention, and revenue. By leveraging Sportstream, you’re not only offering basic low-cost sports streaming—you’re delivering a <strong>complete in-play betting experience</strong> by providing live sports content directly to your users. <h3>Essential Use Instances of Sportstream</h3> Real-Time Matches Feeds for Betting Platforms Bookmaker Broadcasting Incorporation Matches Broadcasting Interface for Bookmakers Around-the-Clock Global Coverage for Matches Betting Low-Latency Streaming for Live Participation Protected, Crypto-Friendly Sportstream for Decentralized Systems <h2>Target audience that are likely to gain the most by using the platform include athletic enthusiasts, real-time broadcasting followers, as well as those looking to access bold keyword.</h2> Sportstream was specifically developed to cater to sportsbooks, betting services, as well as iGaming networks. The key adoption situations include the listed companies and/or practitioners aiming to boost their software features along with position in the sector: Online bookmakers searching in order to drive live wagering revenue. Start-up betting sites intending a cutting-edge upper hand using low-cost along with consistent broadcasting. Sports betting platforms integrating crypto solutions, for example Bitcoin sportsbooks. Marketing and promotional teams looking in order to leverage live video as a method with the goal of growing customer retention by way of unique features. Anyone in the sports betting sector that needs a consistent, immediate, alongside low-cost approach in terms of ongoing content may view Sportstream essential. <h2>Essential Features as well as Perks for Sportstream</h2> What sets Sportstream different comes from its innovative|creative|groundbreaking features|capabilities|functions combined with value-focused|value-driven|cost-effective offerings|services|solutions. Let's explore the benefits of sportsbooks as well as why adopting this system is a wise business move. <h3>Minimal-Latency Sports Streaming</h3> Latency happens to be a significant factor inside the sports betting field. Bettors require streaming which occurs at real moment to ensure accurate along with seamless real-time gambling. Sportstream delivers ultra-fast signal delivery with strong high emphasis in reducing lowering latency towards virtually zero points. <h3>Global 24/7 Protection</h3> Sportstream functions throughout various sports as well as areas, guaranteeing your users are able to access 1000+ events every day, at every moment. Starting from soccer as well as court sports to niche sporting markets, Sportstream ensures you are captivating the audience around-the-clock. <h3>Effortless API Integration</h3> A major benefits about Sportstream lies in the easy integration process. Its system has the ability to swiftly connect to every pre-existing sports betting system setup with low configuration needs, guaranteeing users will be able to begin viewing in-the-moment games within hardly any effort. <h3>Affordable Membership Pricing</h3> Finances have a essential role for operating betting platforms effectively. Sportstream provides cost-effective subscription plans suitable for all business level, ensuring you’re able to increase the ROI and not straining the finances. <h3>Tailored Wagering Journey</h3> Boost interaction by providing customized suggestions and boosting user experience. Sportstream uses personalized features such as wagering-related information and bespoke sports content. <h3>Cryptocurrency compatibility on sportstream ensures seamless payments for viewers who choose utilizing digital currencies like Ethereum to using specific features.</h3> Sportstream backs streaming for crypto betting platforms, making it a great pick for BTC sportsbooks and blockchain-integrated systems. <h2>The way to get start with the platform is simple. First, set up an account, after that browse its options and select your preferred specific content. Finally, start streaming and experience seamless usage to real-time athletic events.</h2> Integrating Sportstream into your wagering software is simple. This is steps you could begin right away: <strong>Request a demonstration of the platform now and explore its features or learn the way it will enhance your athletic streaming journey</strong> Move over to sportstream.network as well as apply for entry to a demo. <strong>Customize Your Viewing Preferences.</strong> Work with the Sportstream team to design a streaming solution tailored to your platform. https://able2know.org/user/whitedonna4/ https://king-wifi.win/wiki/Sportstream_a_gamechanger_for_betting_enthusiasts http://www.meinvhui888.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=63626 https://www.google.com.ag/url?q=https://telegra.ph/Sportstream-is-an-innovation-in-the-sports-betting-industry-02-27 https://xs.xylvip.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2708194 <strong>Integrate your API</strong> Using a straightforward configuration, the Sports Stream API effortlessly aligns with your existing systems. <strong>Launch The Real-Time Broadcasting Functionality.</strong> Start providing the viewers with live sports streams and boost the betting platform. <h2>Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Your Platform Experience.</h2> Want to take full advantage out of your Sportstream subscription? Follow a few tips! <strong>Promote Live Events:</strong> Routinely update your subscribers about approaching live events so as to drive engagement and boost participation towards live betting. <strong>Optimize Latency Settings:</strong> Collaborate together with the support team so you can ensure your latency settings are optimized for peak performance. <strong>Engage Crypto Bettors:</strong> In case operating on a crypto sportsbook, ensure seamless transactions and offer educational content about Bitcoin and blockchain betting. <strong>Use Personalization Features:</strong> Leverage with user data to provide useful recommendations in order to keep players engaged. <h2>Real-World-Illustrations along with Application Situations</h2> <h3>Example One: A Betting Platform’s Winning Advantage.</h3> A mid-sized betting platform used the platform to reduce their streaming delay up to half, leading in an thirty percent boost in live betting activities. By providing live streaming for specialized sports, the service was also able of draw in an broader user segment. <h3>Example Two: Improving Crypto Betting Platforms.</h3> A blockchain-based cryptocurrency sportsbook used the platform’s integration tools to incorporate live broadcasts smoothly into its platform. Through catering to crypto users using quick and safe streaming, its platform increased player retention up to over forty percent. <h2>Sportstream vs. Competitors</h2> Curious about how Sportstream compares against other game live-streaming services? <h2>Upcoming Updates & Enhancements.</h2> Sportstream remains dedicated towards advancement. 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